The son kicked his mother’s dog out of the house immediately after she was taken to the hospital.

When the ambulance took Lady’s mistress with a stroke,the dog did not find a place.Day and night Lady rushed around the house and howled,worried about her beloved person.Lady was loved and spoiled by her mistress,so when she found herself on the street,she experienced great stress.

The woman’s son did not take care of Lady while his mother was in the hospital,he just took the dog away from home and left it on the street.We learned about Lady’s disappearance from neighbors,after that we tried to call her mistress’s son,but he didn’t pick up the phone.

For several weeks we were looking for Lady on the neighboring streets,but everything was in vain.Only bad thoughts came to my mind,Lady used to be my warm,felt responsible for her,in addition,she understood that hardly anyone took her from the street.

They found Lady two weeks later,skinny,barely starving on her feet.Despite everything,Lady continued to believe that people would help her,because she grew up in love.

It wasn’t difficult to pick up Lady from the street.Hungry,all in thorns,she quickly got into the car and was ready to go home.Now Lady needs to be well fed and sterilized a little later.

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